Research Work

Aims and Objectives

  • To collect reliable data and conduct solid research, identifying relevant local laws, researching international precedents to check the compatibility of prevailing laws.
  • To work towards speeding up the pace of legislatives reforms.
  • Women Islamic lawyers Forum by conducting research on all proposed laws which are put forth in the shape of bill or Ordinance, not only points out the clauses which are non-Islamic and contradicting to social values, but, also put forward their concerns and recommendations to the relevant institutions.

Working Strategy

The Forum is renowned for its struggle to propose legislative reforms in the enactments, and send proposed bills to the legislatures to meet the requirement of Present era. We suggest amendments in prevailing laws, substantive laws as well as procedural laws so that the Right of Fair Trial (Article 10 A of Constitution of Pakistan) may be fully secured.

For such purpose, we have established Research Department working since last 8 years. Women Islamic Lawyers’ Forum by conducting research on all proposed laws which are put forth in the shape of bill or Ordinance, not only points out the clauses which are non-Islamic and contradicting to social values, but, also put forward our concerns and recommendations to the relevant institutions.

We also have an eye on new legislation in the parliament and analyzed the proposed legislation by private and Government members of Parliament. We convey our reviews and publications to the relevant authorities.

To increase awareness about the new legislation and their rights in prevailing legal system, we conduct seminars, workshops and training sessions in different strata of society. Our Aim is to minimize the difficulties of people by giving them right and effective information about the legal system of Pakistan.

Also made public our research by publishing our research material for lawyers as well as for public.

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Proposed Laws

  • THE KPK Dowry,Bridal Gifts and Marriage Function Restriction Act 2016 Proposed by WIL Forum.
  • Reproductive Health Care and Rights (Amendment) Act 2010” to be introduced in National Assembly.
  • The Witness Protection Bill 2014 Sent to National Assembly and High Courts of all Provinces.
  • Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Act 2014” to be introduced in National Assembly.
  • Waste Collection and Disposal Act 2014” to be introduced in National Assembly”
  • The Khyber Pakhtun Khuwa Shops and Establishments (Amendment Bill 2015” to be introduced in KPK Assembly.
  • KPK Shops and Establishment Act 2014 (Day care center and Flexible working hours for women).
  • KPK Procedure and Conduct of Business Rules (Amendment) Bill 2015.
  • The Khyber Pakhtun Khuwa Shops and Establishment (Amendment) Act 2015.
  • Consolidation of Succession Laws Act 2015.
  • Muslim Family Laws Ordinance (Second Amendment) Act 2015.
  • KPK Prevention of Discrimination on Basis of Hijab/Dress Act 2015”
  • “Pakistan Protection (Amendment) Act” to be introduced in National Assembly.
  • “Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2015 regarding Sec 498c and 498d PPC) regarding Forced labor of women to be introduced in National Assembly
  • The Income tax Ordinance (Amendment) Act 2016 regarding tax exemption for widows
  • The KPK Anti Begging Bill 2017 to be introduced in KPK assembly.
  • Civil Procedure code (Amendment) Act 2014” to be introduced in National Assembly regarding speedy trail of execution application.
  • Anti Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2015 regarding rape and sodomy.
  • The Provincial Protection of women against Domestic Violence Act 2016.
  • A bill to solve family matters through Alternate Dispute Resolution.
  • The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act 2020 Public Hanging.

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Prepared Analysis

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Surveys & Other

  • Survey Report on Court Marriages.
  • Filed a Constitution Petition against PEMRA Authorities for violation of PEMRA Ordinance by Broadcasters and Cable Operators.
  • Prepared a Hand Bill regarding proposed amendments in “Sindh Judicial Service Rules 1994” start a signature movement in this regard and sent this to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Pakistan Bar Council, Sindh Bar Council, High Court of Sindh, Law ministry of Sindh with signature of large number of Lawyers of Pakistan.
  • Conduct a Survey regarding corruption in Law and Justice System in Pakistan.
  • Article About significance of D.N.A test in Rape cases.
  • Article about whether Child marriage causing high maternal mortality in Pakistan and legal age of marriage in Pakistan.
  • An Article is published in Jassarat magazine titled “Nafsiyat e Ghulami”.
  • An Article is Published in Tarjuman ul Quran regarding Domestic violence.
  • Blogs regarding Sex Education, Hijab and its Historical background in other religions context and on other current issues are published on our Website.
  • Research papers on various issues have been read by our members in National and International Conferences.

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Surveys & Reports